Avoid - Minimise - Generate

(AMG) Challenge Award

The Energy Swaraj Foundation believes that the use of energy of any kind, even if it is solar energy, has to be done very carefully because there is no manufacturing in the world which does not have an impact on the environment. It may be less, but it will not be zero. Therefore we believe that one should follow the three step AMG approach even when we use solar or renewable energy. In the first step, we should learn to Avoid the use of energy, if possible. In the second step, we should learn to Minimise the use of energy using efficient appliances. And, only as a last option we should Generate energy, that too locally, if possible.

Step -1 | Avoid electricity use by 1/3rd

“Avoid the use of energy, as much as possible, even if it is solar energy”

Avoid refers to not using or stop using the appliances at all, even if they are powered by solar energy. Why? Solar PV modules are considered a relatively much cleaner source of electricity than coal-based electricity, but they do have some non-zero carbon footprint. Purification of Silicon, the production of silicon wafer, solar cells, glass, and aluminum frame all require energy. Energy consumption in production means the carbon footprint. After the end of life, solar PV modules and other system components like electronics and batteries would become waste. Hence, the first rule of using solar energy would be to "Avoid" electricity use even if produced using solar energy or for that matter any other energy.

Avoid the use of energy refers to avoid using appliances that can be avoided. Following are some examples:

  • Avoid (do not use) the use of lights during day time, do not use at all or reduce the number of lights

  • Avoid the use of fans by reducing the number or the duration of fan use

  • Avoid the use of heavy loads like geysers and air conditioners, they consume a lot of electricity

  • Avoiding the use of electric water cooler water from the natural cooler

… and there can be many more possibilities

With these measures and many more, one can keep the target to avoid the use of electricity by 1/3rd. This saving of money can be invested in buying efficient appliances that further reduce electricity consumption

Step -2 | Minimize electricity use by 1/3rd

“Minimize the use of energy, as much as possible, using efficient appliances”

Minimizing electricity use refers to reducing the use of electricity for a given operation using efficient appliances. Thus in this step, we try to reduce electricity consumption by replacing less efficient appliances with more efficient appliances. For example, using an LED bulb or tube light reduces electricity consumption by almost 50 to 60% compared to fluorescent lights. Replacing a BLDC fan with a normal induction motor fan can reduce electricity consumption by 50 to 60%. For every gadget that uses electricity, there are efficient alternatives available in the market. With efficient appliances, electricity consumption can be reduced by another 20 to 50%.

Following are some examples for minimizing electricity consumption:

  • Replace fluorescent lights with LED lights

  • Replace normal ceiling fan with BLDC fans

  • Replace 1, 2 or 3 rated appliances with 5 star rated appliances (Fridge, AC, gyser)

  • Keep the temperature setting of AC to 25 degree C or above, similarly keep refrigerator temperature setting to higher value

  • Replace normal computer with an efficient laptop

  • Replace normal water pump with efficient water pump

Step -3 | Generate remaining 1/3rd energy locally

“Generate as little energy as possible locally after avoid and minimize step”

Once you have avoided what can be avoided (hopefully by 1/3rd) and minimized what can be minimized (hopefully by another 1/3rd), then remaining electricity (the 1/3rd) can be easily generated using solar energy or any renewable energy without needing significant investment. One can connect the solar system with the grid or the best way is to go off-grid and become an independent generator and consumer of electricity.

The 1/3rd-1/3rd-1/3rd approach is just a suggestion and depends on the individual or institution's climatic situation, building design, the sensitivity of building users, etc. The percentage number of each step-1 to step-3 can vary. It is clear that the more you avoid step-1 and the more you minimize in step-2, the less you will generate in step-3.

Energy Swaraj Awards - Application Form

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