Energy Swaraj Awards 2022

Energy Swaraj Awards 2022

Energy Swaraj Foundation launched AMG (Avoid-Minimise-Generate) Awards as well as Climate Hackathon Challenge - ideas and actions to save the world to recognize citizen’s contributions, encourage them and provide them limelight so that they can spread their actions and ideas.

The Energy Swaraj Award recognized the best examples of individuals, organisations, industries, non-governmental organisations and government bodies who are working hard to promote sustainable living.

Through Climate Hackathon Challenge Awards, the aim was to inspire, motivate, and engage students by conducting various types of competition. Participants presented their ideas by following competitions: Write an on Essay on Climate Change and its Solution, Write a Song on Climate Change and Its Solution, Write Drama Script on Climate Change and Its solution, Write up on What should individuals/academic institutions/industries do to mitigate climate change?, and Paint a T-shirt with a message related to climate change and its solution.

For AMG Awards, the selection was on the basis of who followed three Avoid-Minimize-Generate (AMG) principles in their actions towards reducing their energy (electricity) consumption and adopting renewable energy solutions.
Principle-1: Avoid the use of energy by 1/3rd,
Principle-2: Minimize the use of energy by 1/3rd,
Principle-3: Generate energy locally only 1/3rd
We collaborated with Earth Day Network (earth day India network) to organise these awards.

The participants of the competition were appreciated through digital appreciation certificates. And the winners of Energy Swaraj Awards (Avoid-Minimise-Generate and Climate Hackathon Challenge) received award money and certificate of achievement in the award ceremony. Winners of Shell GameChanger, AMG Challenge and Climate Hackathon challenge with prize money of about Rs 1.75 Crore were announced.